Add the red sand crafting tweak to reduce collection and crafting fatigue, as well as preserve server mesa areas for future player bases.

Kaa1 01 Maio 2024 21:47 SMP Server 128
Oyuncu - Kaa1

I am embarking on a build that will require a mass amount of red sandstone, around 40k, and would like to suggest we add the craft-able red sand tweak to the server. This would allow players to create red sand for the purpose of crafting red sandstone in a more time and resource economic way. As it currently stands gathering any large quantity of red sand, let alone red sandstone, destroys mesa biomes at a large scale for the sheer amount of sand it requires to craft red sandstone at a large scale and the comparatively low amount of it available. I would like to suggest this tweak to lessen the collection fatigue induced on players as well as preserve mesa areas for players to build in.

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